December 13, 2016—The Judiciary should carry out its latest “promise—or threat” to put former presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, who has been under extrajudicial house arrest since 2011, on trial, said his son Mohammad Taghi Karroubi.
Tag Archive for Mehdi Karroubi
Free Them Now: End Arbitrary House Arrests of Green Movement Leaders
Campaign Launches New Initiative to Free Political Prisoners in Iran – February 17, 2015 -The Iranian Judiciary and Iran’s National Security Council should put an immediate end to four years of extrajudicial house arrest of Green Movement leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Zahra Rahnavard, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today.
Opposition Leader Under House Arrest Demands Public Trial
Former Presidential Candidates Held for Four Years without Charges
December 2, 2014—The head of the Iranian Judiciary should immediately end the nearly four-year house arrest of former presidential candidates Mehdi Karroubi and Mir Hossein Mousavi, and leading dissident Zahra Rahnavard, and grant them a fair trial, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today.
Iran ex-president urges freedom for political prisoners
April 28, 2014 – globalpost – Iran’s former president Mohammad Khatami has called for the release of political prisoners and urged an end to house arrest for two leaders who alleged fraud after the 2009 election. In remarks published by ISNA news agency, Khatami, in office between 1997 and 2005, said such steps would benefit the country.
Release Government Critics from Three-Year House Arrest

Mehdi Karroubi, Mir Hossein Mousavi, and Zahra Rahnavard
(February 14, 2014)—The Iranian government must end the inhumane practice of holding its critics under house arrest for years without due process, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. February 14, 2014, marks three years since Mehdi Karroubi, Mir Hossein Mousavi, and Zahra Rahnavard were placed under a de facto and illegal house arrest in Tehran.
Iran’s New Security Council Secretary Should End Illegal House Arrests
(September 13, 2013) The newly appointed Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, should immediately review the situation of the opposition leaders under house arrest and prepare for their release, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today.