Solidarität mit den verhafteten Arbeitern und Studenten im Iran

Am 28.1. wurden unzählige Studenten und Gewerkschaftsaktivisten, die sich mit
dem Arbeitskampf der Busfahrer bei der Firma Vahed solidarisierten, verhaftet.
mehr unter:

Das iranische Regime reagierte auf diese Solidaritätsaktion mit ungeheuren
Repression. Auch wenn einige bereits wieder entlassen wurden, viele Aktivisten
sind noch immer im Gefängnis, und gegen keinen der Verhafteten wurden die
Anklagepunkte fallengelassen. Im Iran herrscht ein brutales Regime und unsere
Brüder und Schwestern im Iran, die für ihre Rechte kämpfen, sind in ernster

Wir rufen alle dazu, gegen diesen Akt der Repression zu protestieren und die
iranischen Behörden mit Protestbriefen zu bombardieren.

Schickt Protestbriefe! Informiert Eure KollegInnen an Eurem Arbeitsplatz, in
Eurem Betriebsrat, in Eu! rer Gewerkschaft! Kontaktiert hochrangige
GewerkschaftsfunktionärInnen und Abgeordnete, damit sie diesen
Solidaritätsaufruf unterstützen! Fordert die Freilassung aller Inhaftierten
und die Rücknahme aller Anklagepunkte!

Modellbrief an den iranischen Präsidenten (in englischer Sprache):


Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Presidency
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection
Islamic Republic of Iran

xx January 2006

Dear Mr President

I write to bring to your attention to the violent outcome of a peaceful strike
Tehran on Saturday 28 January. The strike by the workers of the Vahed Bus
Company of
Tehran and Suburbs was with the following basic demands:

·         For the release of Mr Ossanlou and their other leaders,

·         signing a collective contract,

·         union recognition,

·        ! ; for better pay and conditions.

Instead of granting these demands the authorities in Tehran have further
escalated the cycle of violence that began in May 2005 - when 'Labour House'
and 'Islamic Labour Council' members were allowed to attack the Vahed activists
trying to set up an independent trade union. During this attack, which was led
by the Secretary of the 'Islamic Labour Council', an attempt was made to cut
out the tongue of Mr Ossanlou (the leader of the union). Many of the trade
union activists were injured and their office was ransacked by these
government-sanctioned 'labour' officials.

This time the attack on the union began in the workers' homes! On the night
before the strike the security forces attacked their homes and even took some
of their wives and young children into custody. On the day riot police, factory
security, uniformed and plain-clothes officers were used to beat and intimidate
drivers back to work. Hundre! ds of arrests were made, including students from
various universities in
Tehran who had gone to Area 6 to support the workers.

I hope that you can bring the authority of your office to put pressure on the
relevant police and security bodies to release all arrested workers, their
families, students and other supporters. I believe that they should be released
immediately and unconditionally. I trust that you can also assist in dropping
all charges against all workers and students.

I look forward to hearing about your positive intervention in this regard in the
international media.

Yours sincerely,